Winter's Here - Get Storm Ready

Now is the time to ensure your home, business, and family are prepared for storms.

Dangerous storms are the most common natural hazard in Australia and can cause significant property damage and also pose a threat to people, animals, and the environment.

Here are 5 Things To Help You Prepare For A Winter Storm.

Take a Walk Around Your House and Look for Vulnerabilities

Take a walk around your home and garden with something you can take notes with (phone or notepad!), and look for anything that might be a problem during a  winter storm, especially when it comes to anything structural. Look for anything loose that could blow away. Also, openings where wind-swept rain could enter, toys, appliances, or furniture that need to be stored or covered to protect them from strong winds. 

Take your time and make sure to examine the walls, windows, roof, and foundation. Note anything that needs to be replaced or fixed and make a plan to get it done before those storms hit! 

Cut Down 

Getting prepared for Winter starts BEFORE that first storm! By cutting down, we mean all those pesky overhanging tree branches, whilst you’re there you may as well prune back any overgrown bushes and shrubs. Sweeney Hire has a variety of equipment, even for those smaller jobs - we’re not all just cool-looking diggers and attachments, you know!

Seal Those Cracks

If you’re like me, you’re always complaining of a draft that gets in through that one window or door, then it’s time to make repairs now. Popping in some weather strips can solve most of these problems. You may also want to consider weatherstripping any areas that have worn away or perished. If you’re not very ‘handy’, this is the perfect excuse for a K-Mart shopping trip for those door draft-stoppers - perfect for a quick, short-term fix! 

Plan an Alternate Method of Heating

Do you have a plan for when the storms result in a power outage? No power means no lights - but that’s nothing a few candles or lanterns can’t fix. What about a heating source? No power means no more heat setting on the split system! Even most furnaces and gas fires require electricity. That means you need either a generator that can supply your home with enough power to run large heating appliances or an alternate source of heating that doesn't require electricity, like a wood fire - or even a backyard fire! 

Hire our Log Splitter and stock up. Our Bushranger Log Splitter is only $120 for the day, or $90 if you can get it done in half the day! 

Add Extensions to Your Downpipes

The job of a downpipe extension is to make sure that water is channeled well away from the house into a gravel pit or other spot where the water can flow away without causing damage. You may want to check your gutters too, particularly if you’re on rainwater like me - even a few branches trapped can cause a block, enough to lose valuable water! 

The impact of storms can be reduced by planning and preparation. Some of the things you can do to keep your family and property safe include:

  • trimming branches around the home to prevent them from falling on roofs or cars

  • hiring a contractor to clear trees from power lines

  • clearing gutters and downpipes of leaves and blockages

  • checking the roof for cracked ridge capping, loose tiles, or even loose nails

  • preparing an emergency kit with a portable battery-operated radio, torch, spare batteries, and a first aid kit.

    For more information about what to do before, during, and after a storm visit www.dfes.wa.gov.au

Need help during a storm?

For life-threatening emergencies call 000

For SES assistance call 132 500

Here’s Sweeney’s Checklist to get your property ready this winter.

  • Clean gutters, downpipes, and drains

  • Remove tree branches close to your home

  • Secure loose items around your property

  • Learn how to safely turn off your power, water & gas

  • Prepare an emergency kit (torch, spare batteries, important docs, battery-powered radio, spare clothes & a first aid kit!)

Now is the best time to stock up on firewood! We have a chainsaw & log splitter for that! Ask us about our Combo Deals - the more you hire, the better the rate!

12th July 2023

Looking for attachments or plant hire? Sweeney Hire have you covered!

At Sweeney Hire, we supply a range of plant hire, excavation services and attachment hire to help assist your next tight access excavation or hardscaping project across South Perth. We never waiver from providing quality equipment and services that you can rely on, which is why our equipment is serviced every 250 working hours. Get in touch or fill out our online form to discuss your next project. 
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