Autumn Planting

6 Veggies to grow this Autumn. 

Before planting, make sure you’re working with some decent soil, clear your garden beds so they’re free of weeds and any debris.  We recommend removing half the soil and adding a premium mix before planting your seeds.  In addition to this, topping the area with some mulch will help retain water, keeping the soil moist and regulate the temperature.

The BEST veggies to grow right now are broccoli, beetroot, cauliflower, peas, broad beans, spring onions and garlic! YUM!

Let’s dive into it!


Broccoli is a must have for Autumn.  It takes up very little space and once the head is tight and bright green you can begin cutting and cooking…and of course EATING!   

HARVEST TIME:  16-20 weeks.


Perfect for pots as you really don’t need a lot of space to grow.  You’ll need partial sun and partial shade for these root veggies!  Water often and you’ll end up with delicious, juicy beets!

Make sure as you use the beets, you pick sparingly as they need the outer foliage to continue to flourish - but be sure to use those outer leaves in salads - nothing goes to waste with beetroot!

HARVEST TIME: 8-10 weeks. 


I find Cauli isn’t as easy to grow.  If you’re wanting to make the most out of your cauliflower, we recommend panting as early as possible as it requires a long growing season to flower.  Pop them in full sun with some decent organic matter.

HARVEST TIME: 14-18 weeks.


Whether you prefer to eat them raw or cooked, peas take very little time (compared to other veg) to grow.  They’re that easy to grow, you can grow them in a pot.  Pop them in a sunny, well-drained spot - you might want to have a trellis ready for additional support as they grow.

HARVEST TIME: 10-13 weeks. 


You’ll need a trellis for this one too!  Plant with plenty of space to grow. Give them good water and don’t touch them again until leaves start to appear.  Broad beans do better in cooler climates.

HARVEST TIME: 16-20 weeks. 


How underrated are spring onions!  We put them in EVERYTHING.  Just stick them in the ground and walah!  You can either pull them out when you want some, or just snip a bit off!  

HARVEST TIME: 8-10 weeks.


If you don’t mind the wait, garlic is another must have this Autumn.  Although it can take up to 9 months until they’re ready. To plant, split the bulb into individual cloves and push them into the ground; pointy bit first.  Push them down until they’re just beneath the surface. 

HARVEST TIME: 24 weeks - up to 9 months.

Do you have any veggies that you enjoy planting this time of year?  Feel free to share with Sweeney Hire team. 

22nd April 2023

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